Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 5

.. is the last day of Ramadan!

So I woke up to prepare the early morning meal, then proceeded to sleep until 1pm, so slight improvement there :P

But today's been amazing :D

Went to our local shopping mall at 11pm to see all sorts of Eid stuff being sold auction-style. The atmosphere was amazing! People were shouting out prices and the longer we stayed there, the lower the prices were! I managed to snag Eid biscuits for 1/3rd off. I even got to haggle some of the prices down :)

I also saw some *amazing* headscarves, but unfortunately I had already ran out of money by then. Some other time then :P

Apart from that, I also went to pick up my Eid dress from my aunt. Of course I was asked the all-time favourite question:

"So Dayah, do you have a boyfriend yet?"

:P :P :P

Oh help me God.

See, if you say that you don't have a boyfriend, the next question would be:

"How old are you now?"

Which can then go one way or the other:

"But you look so young!" --> positive result!
"OMG what are you waiting for?!" --> not-so-positive result.

I think on this occasion, I've managed to deflect their attention adequately enough. However, I'm not so sure how I'll fare when I finally meet my extended family members over the next week..

Tomorrow's Eid :)

I'm seeing my paternal grandparents in Ipoh tomorrow, then I'm seeing my maternal grandmother in Alor Setar the following three days.

And the interesting bit about our trip to Alor Setar is that my stepdad's following us there the whole time as well. This will be the first time he'll be in prolonged contact with my youngest brother. So this will be interesting to watch :D

I'll be travelling all over Malaysia until Saturday, so I won't be online very much, hence not blogging much either.

Selamat Hari Raya, everyone. Maaf zahir batin :)

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