Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 3..

.. could be considered an off day, in more ways than one.

I was in charge of cooking the early morning meal. Considering I was still awake, I decided to stay awake until the 4am that I'm meant to be up for. So I completely had zero sleep last night.

I had reheated everything and I put some rice into the rice cooker and everything was set by 5am when everyone usually wakes up to eat.. except, by 5am, the rice was still not cooked :S

I was panicking.. I apologized profusely to everyone saying it was my fault for cooking the rice late..

Then my mom took one look at the rice cooker and said, "Of course it's not cooked, you didn't turn the power on."


So in the end, nobody had the rice, and we had to make do with the leftover noodles from last night's dinner :P


So around 6am, I went to bed, setting my alarm clock so that I'd wake up at 7:30am because I was going to go Eid shopping with my stepmom.

6:37am and I was still looking at my clock..

By the time 7:30am came, I had *just* about went to sleep, which meant I could barely open my eyes, so I quickly texted my stepmom to say I'm not coming. I think she was a bit disappointed by that.. she was already in her car by the time I texted her.. sorry! :(

But I went back to sleep.. and I didn't wake up until noon :P :P

By the time I woke up, my brother's been fed, all the laundry's been washed and hung to dry, and all the dishes have been washed.

:D :D :D

So yes, I just continued faffing the whole day until I met up with my old collegemates H and F for iftar. So yes, today's been a brilliant day, alhamdulillah :)

It was great talking to H and F. Back in college, we used to be in the rebel group, or what was called the MIC (Malay-Indian-Chinese) group (don't ask!). We didn't really fit in with everybody else, but we were quite a close-knit group back then.

Then university happened and we stopped speaking to each other for nearly 4 years.

It was quite amazing to be talking to each other after so long.

I always assumed them both to be the poster children of people going overseas and migrating for greener pastures, which essentially they both did for awhile. They both took some time to work, or look for work, and in the end they're both now working in Malaysia.

It seems so odd to me. They both were fighting so hard to get to stay in the UK to work there, yet in the end, they both ended up back home.

They both said there were better work opportunities back home, hence why they both returned.

See, I'm still in the stage of fighting to stay in the UK. I can't help but think that there's something I'm missing here :/

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