Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Review: The Social Network

I went to see The Social Network with my housemate today (free preview tickets!). I'm actually gonna be watching it again next week with the rest of my Web Science DTC mates, but I gathered that watching it twice (for free!) won't do any harm...

I think the movie's pretty smart. At some points, I thought to myself do these guys never stop partying or something, but I suppose you've gotta pimp up the movie somehow.

The best bit I liked about the movie was how someone kept refreshing the Facebook page waiting for a response. That was brilliant, because to me that sort of captured the whole essence of the whole Facebook phenomena -- the feeling that what you're doing online is being validated by the response of other people. The more immediate the response, the higher the adrenaline rush you get from it, hence the constant F5-ing.

Plus, I quite liked it when the main character Mark was rattling off about how he used all sorts of Linux and PHP trickery like wget and the like, and I actually understood what he meant :D :D :D

Geeks FTW ;)

Oooh did I mention how hot Justin Timberlake is in the movie?

Let's see what my Web Science lecturers would say about the movie next week.. Would be pretty interesting to hear their take on it..

The Social Network on IMDB

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